Get Serious About Taking Care of Your Eyes | Center For Sight Las Vegas Skip to content

Get Serious About Taking Care of Your Eyes

Most people are quick to name vision as their most valuable sense — and for good reason. Without sight, our freedom would be limited. Driving a car, navigating places like airports or hiking trails, and performing some jobs would be very difficult. Relationally, eye contact allows us to understand and connect with others, and cognitively, taking in and interpreting visual data keeps our brain sharp. 

Because most of us are fortunate to have clear vision, we’re also tempted to take it for granted. But it’s important to note that many serious eye diseases worsen slowly over time; in fact, many have limited symptoms that can go undetected for months and even years. And once those symptoms are noticed, it can be too late to reverse some of their effects.

How do Comprehensive Exams Help Keep Eyes Healthy?

There are a number of things you can do to protect your eyes, but none are more important than scheduling an annual comprehensive eye exam. This type of exam goes beyond simply checking how well you see to checking the eye’s overall structure and health to look for diseases such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataracts, and diabetic retinopathy. 

A comprehensive exam at Center for Sight usually includes dilation and advanced technology to measure and look inside your eyes in a way that isn’t possible otherwise. And if one of our doctors discovers a condition that requires treatment, rest assured each is a knowledgeable expert who will work with you to determine a care plan that will achieve the best vision possible for you.

How Often Do I Need a Comprehensive Exam?

Comprehensive eye exams are recommended annually, though your doctor may recommend them more often if disease or other abnormalities are discovered. Once-per-year exams allow your doctor to adequately monitor your vision and can also detect the development of other conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure. Early detection of all types of disease is important!

Center for Sight recommends scheduling next year’s exam on your way out of the office from this year’s exam. That way, they’re already on your calendar, increasing the likelihood you’ll follow through.

Need to Schedule Your Exam?

You can schedule your comprehensive eye exam through our website today. With four convenient locations and several doctors to choose from, booking your appointment should be the easiest thing you do today. We look forward to welcoming you to our clinic very soon!